Full Controller
Merge an entire pre-made animator controller, expression menu and parameters into the avatar
This is mostly useful for prefab creators. Provide an animator controller, VRChat expression menu, and expression parameters, and it will be merged into an avatar automatically. If you're working on your own avatar, you should usually just add these things to your avatar's own controller, menu, and params instead. Advanced users may use this component for modularity.
Animation Paths
Animation clips in your specified controller should usually have animated paths relative
to your prop's root. VRCFury will automatically rewrite any animation paths so they
work anywhere on the avatar.
If you wish to animate properties on the avatar outside of the prop, you can specify a path from the root of the avatar (as you traditionally would), and they will
still work. VRCFury will automatically determine if paths are from the prop root or from the avatar root, and rewrite them
appropriately if needed. If the path is found on both, the prop root will be preferred.
VRCFury will automatically convert any merged controllers to either Write Defaults on
or off
, matching what is used on the avatar.
Therefore, you should use Write Defaults on
for merged controllers, as converting from off
to on
will cause the 'stickiness' of properties to be lost. Converting from on
to off
does not have this problem.
Advanced Options
Global Parameters
Normally, parameters used in a Full Controller will have a VF##
prefix added to prevent parameter conflicts with other props or features on the avatar, effectively isolating the Full Controller from the rest of the avatar. Parameters defined in this list will not be prefixed and have their name kept as is, allowing you to interact with parameters in the avatar itself, other instances of the prop or with OSC apps that do not ignore the prefix.
If you want to make all parameters global, you can do so by entering a *
. If you want to make all parmeters global except for a few, you can mark specific parameters as not global by prefixing them with a !
VRChat global parameters (such as GestureLeft/Right
or IsLocal
) are included by default.
Smooth Parameters
All parameters listed here that are found in FX controllers listed above will have their values smoothed. The duration represents how many seconds it should take to reach 90% of the target value.
Path Rewrite Rules
This allows you to rewrite the binding paths used in the animation clips used in this controller. Useful if the animations in the controller were originally written to be based from a specific avatar root, but you are now trying to use it as a re-usable VRCFury prop.
Debug info
This will show any animation paths in the merged controllers not found as children of the object on which the Full Controller component is placed on. If you want the prop to be reusable, you should make use of the Path Rewrite Rules feature in Advanced Options to rewrite these paths so they work with how the objects are located within the object. If you intend to animate these paths as absolute paths from the avatar root, you can ignore this as VRCFury will also try matching the paths from the avatar root.
A warning will be displayed here if a controller using Write Defaults off
is detected due to the issue mentioned in the note at the top.